My plans for giant colourful globes made from hula hoops, chicken wire, papier-mâché and lots of paint for the 2003 version of ‘Mad World’ were outvoted by my teammates, and given the lack of free time during final audit that was probably wise! As it was we went for August 1997’s ‘Men in Black’. Being auditors we figured we would all already own a black suit, add in some budget sunglasses, a borrowed black tie and some space age toy guns, and we were on our way.
Needless to say we did not win the fancy dress prize, but there were some costume highlights including a team of toy soldiers and another of giant wrecking balls, but the memory that will stick with me is that of my director dressed as a rapper!
Time to shine…. or at least have some fun!
Suited, snacks ready and songs memorised we entered the ring (also known as the canteen). Some people have incredible memories for music; I am not one of these people. Luckily we had two people on our team who were; between them they won enough points to put us in the top half of the competing teams! Although I could not contribute to 90% of the answers I feel I made up for it with my encyclopaedic knowledge of P!nk and more importantly my contribution to table nourishment with my raffle win!
A great night with inspired costumes and a real range of questions – something for everyone!